- Employee CTC for direct and indirect per legal entity or multi legal entities.
- Government salary sheet requirements for Ministry of finance upload process.
- Option to show or hide employee on pay cycle posting voucher.
- Option to define salary increment to first day of the month as mandatory.
- Introduce deactivate single benefit workflow on benefit management.
- Introduce deactivate multi benefits workflow on benefit management.
- Deactivate contract workflow process.
- Deactivate contract and benefits workflow process.
- Budget validation for salary increment for current year.
- Support return process for unpaid and absence days for extra return days after vacation and update attendance summary.
- Add company log for end of services print out.
- Add new contract by taking default values from previous record.
- Updated last rate and unpaid leave from previous month calculated in PayCycle.
- Added employee history details in the employee screen.
- Head count per legal entity dashboard.
Recruitment Management
- Recruitment requisitions budget validation and job description workflow submission.
- Position forecasting department validation from users position profile.
- Conceal the “Convert to Project” button if the request is initiated from Self-Service recruiting.
- Implemented convert to project on recruitment request.
- Added position details on Worker offers.
- Introduced a new parameter on Job offer at the HR management module.
- Introduced email report offer menu item on Job offer screen.
- Revised position details with proposed title with estimated start dates in the recruitment request workflow completion.
Time attendance
- Support new workflow state for attendance summary for approved lateness and early leave.
- Support periodic excuses for advance periods planning for attendance summary.
- Support business tasks for half day and full day daily excuse.
Bonus Managment
- Enhanced bonus management on security roles and privileges.
- Introduced additional parameters such as bonus criteria, promotion cycle, bonus workflow, promotion criteria, and maximum years of experience for each grade.
- In Business trip, introduced calculate per night calculation and calculate same day rate process.
- Updated Letter Valid to Field Date and No of Expiry date from report setup.
- Introduce request creation source for tracing.
- Added allow print method on the self-service.
- Updated Fixed city lookup on Business Trip.
- Validation error appearing when trying to change the number of days for leave encashment, specifically regarding a zero amount.
- Added a new city list on the service class level.
- Introduced a security privilege on ESS workspace screen.
- Added mandatory attachment request for workflow submission.
- Introduced a new operation called check-in image for mobile app.
Dynamics ESS 365
- Introduce new option to disable mobile notification for dev and UAT environment.
- Introduce new option to allow users to control mobile UI for business trip.
- Introduce new option to allow users to confirm terms and condition before using application.
- Support extra Arabic description for skills and certificates and education.
- Introduce new stories for mobile.
- Added Bank ID in Bank validation on Mobile.
- Updated Experience Years, Job Type, Job Function, Monthly Salary elements on D365 as well as in the service.
- Added the Arabic names jobs, positions, workers, job functions, job types, position types of forms on D365 as well as in the service.
- Implemented an option to ignore country and city validation for business trips.
- Introduced a new field called home attendance for mobile app.
- Introduced a new operation called Attendance shift history on mobile app.
- Education request multi line attachment validation.
- Show mobile check in and out with syncing with attendance log in and out data.
- Introduce mobile stories based on users group permissions.