Payroll management

Import Contracts

  1. Login to D365
  2. Select ( Payroll Me)
  3. Select Periodic
  4. Select import data
  5. Select import contracts from the list
  6. Generate the excel template
  7. Fil template by full details and keep the following notes
    1. Number should be sting ( Define column as text )
    1. Date should be dd/mm/yyyy
    2. Any Enum define it as number with text column form or alphabet value
    3. Any defined lookup or setup define it before upload like Pay groups , Eos setup , Leave setup , Contract types
    4. Save file on desktop or any shared folder by client name
  8. Test the scenario by uploading one worker as example
  9. You have option by defining ( Insert employment valid from and valid to ( Select this option if worker contract is open and don’t have closed period )
  10. Check the message requirement if you got any data validation error
  11. Fix the sheet error
  12. Upload again and review worker sample data
  13. Upload remaining employee ( Don’t forget to remove first record sample)